What are Carpet Beetles?

Carpet beetles are small beetles, usually around 3mm long, though their size can vary from about 1.5mm to 3.5mm depending on the exact species. As their name suggests, they are pests best known for damaging carpets and fibers such as...
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7 Ways to Control Carpet Beetles

Carpet Beetle While many pests are simply a nuisance by their presence, carpet beetles are particularly hated because they actually do damage to items within the home. A carpet beetle infestation can leave clothes, carpets and furniture around your home full...
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Food Beetles: Pests of Grain

What are Food Beetles? Food (or pantry) beetles can refer to any large group of beetles that infest stored items in commercial and residential settings. Though there are many types of food beetles, they are grouped into four categories based on...
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Tips for Rearing Wood-Boring Beetles

Finding wood to house wood-boring beetles can be simple, if the right information is utilized. The best time to collect the wood is late winter through early spring. Adult beetles of the majority of species across North America mostly emerge...
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