There are numerous varieties of stink bugs. Stink bugs are categorized under “Pentatomidae” family. These pests are known for their distinguishable odor that they emit when disturbed or crushed. They can be easily identified by their shield-shaped body, thus giving them an alternative name “shield bug”.

Stink bug traps: The black stink bug

                    The black stink bug

The stink bugs are considered as an agricultural pest since they tend to suck the juices out of the developing fruit, seeds, grains, and fruits in both nymph and adult stages.

As threatening as they are to agricultural crops, they can be rather exasperating when they cross the threshold into your household during the winter or late summer. Although stink bugs usually reside outdoors and spend the winter under stones, debris, or clumps of weeds. In residential areas, the bugs enter the homes in seek of warmth.

Different varieties of stink bugs are distributed throughout the United States and adjacent Canada and Mexico. The insect can be found in woodlands and cultivated land.

Elimination and management of stink bugs can be accomplished by numerous ways under biological methods, chemical methods, and simple and effective bug traps. However, certain methods such as chemical and biological methods may not be ideal for executing in your household where your family resides.

Instead of the indubitably hazardous chemical and biological methods (which would be much effective in an agricultural field since it would mean breeding a parasite that attacks the stink bugs), there are much effective homemade stink bug traps that are surprisingly inexpensive.

The highly effective soapy water trap

Step 1: This inexpensive stink bug trap can be arranged with a simple pan made from plastic or recycled aluminum foil, which is a typical turkey roasting pan. If the extension of the presence of stink bugs in your home is relatively high, you will need a larger pan with a higher capacity.

Step 2: Fill up the pan with water and mix in some detergent.

Step 3: Set up the pan under a simple desk light so that the light is directed to the pan.

How to get rid of stink bugs

                               Green stink bug

Step 4:  Place the pan in an open area where the bugs can easily notice and reach the trap. Depending on the extent of the infestation inside the home, several traps may be necessary to manage the bugs.

The bugs get attracted to the warm light of the lamp which is known to be favorable for the insects’ mating process. The warm setting of the trap creates the illusion that the bugs can find another to mate with. Once the bugs touch the substance in the trap, they are unable to get out.

This method will be effective during the spring when the bugs are prone to mate. The lengthening days in the spring encourage the bugs to mate. However, during the winter, these stink bug traps might not be as effective as you want them to be, since the days grow shorter and the sunlight fades. If the bugs are attracted to the trap, it will be for the warmth of the lamp. Nevertheless, this method is proven to be 14 times more effective than the expensive, store-bought stink bug traps.

  1. Simple Soda bottle trap

Step 1: Gather a 2 liter soda bottle, a few LED bulbs, a razor blade or a box cutter, a black electrical tape, and a white masking tape.

Step 2: Use the razor blade or the box cutter to separate 1/3 of the soda bottle that is the top portion with the mouth of the bottle.

how to get rid of stink bugs

           The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

Step 3: Cover the lower portion of the bottle with the black electrical tape. This will enable the light to be focused for the maximum effectiveness.

Step 4: Set up the LED lights at the bottom of the bottle

Step 5: Insert the previously removed top portion of the bottle upside down into the taped bottom portion of the bottle.

Step 6: Tape the exterior of the bottle with white masking tape so that the bugs can easily climb up the trap. Ensure not to tape the interior of the trap since it might enable the trapped bugs to climb out of the bottle.

Step 7: Switch on the LED lights and place the Stink Bug trap in a room at night.

These methods of stink bug management have proven to be highly effective. Although there are other options like pheromone traps for the stink bugs, they could be ineffective and expensive. If the infestation is too severe, the stink bug traps might not be as effective and quick as you’d anticipate. In this case, it’s advisable to consult a pest control specialist who would utilize a chemical control method for the insect management.



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