Mosquitos can be very annoying and, at times, they can be a threat to public health. Thousands of species of mosquitoes are found across the globe and they feed on the blood of their hosts, which include human beings and other mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and arthropods. The blood loss caused by mosquito bites is insignificant to most of their hosts but their bite can cause itching and rashes. Moreover, these tiny insects can carry and transmit viruses that can cause malaria, zika fever, dengue fever, yellow fever, Chikungunya, and many other life-threatening diseases.

Life Cycle of Mosquitos

To effectively control mosquitos, you first need to learn where and how they breed. Like all other insects, mosquitos, you first need to learn where and how they breed. Like all other insects, mosquitos also undergo four different life stages; egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Under ideal conditions, mosquitoes can complete their life cycle in 7 to 14 days but the duration may vary depending on the temperature and species.

Female mosquitos, after having a blood meal, lay eggs on various water surfaces such as rain barrels, bird baths, old tires, roof gutters, tree holes, etc. They may lay eggs in the soil or at the base of some plants. The eggs can survive dry conditions for months. They hatch when they get inundated with water. After hatching, the larvae i.e. the wrigglers emerge and start feeding on the microorganisms. They have a very distinctive style of swimming. They come to the surface of the water to breathe through a tube that extends from their body. The larvae transform into pupae and then finally into adults. The first three stages i.e. the eggs, larvae, and pupal stages (i.e. tumblers) are aquatic.

Female mosquitoes are blood feeders, whereas the males do not bite and they feed on nectar and plant juices.

Mosquito Control

Mosquito control measures have evolved a lot in the past few years. Instead of using the best mosquito sprays for killing adult mosquitoes, pest control companies these days are trying new and evolved ways of controlling their population right at the egg and larval stage.

Elimination of breeding grounds and larviciding standing water are some of the most effective ways of mosquito control. If you are having trouble with mosquitoes, here is what you need to do: larviciding standing water are some of the most effective ways of mosquito control. If you are having trouble with mosquitoes, here is what you need to do:

  • Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Sites

Mosquitoes can breed in almost any place that can hold stagnant water, which includes but not limited to pet dishes, trash cans, boats, flower pots, roof gutters, etc. If you can eliminate these breeding sites, you will be able to control their population significantly.

Dispose of anything that can hold water such as old tires, aluminum cans, plastic sheets, etc. Things such as pots, bird baths, etc. cannot be disposed of. But, make sure you empty the water out on a weekly basis.water such as old tires, aluminum cans, plastic sheets, etc. Things such as pots, bird baths, etc. cannot be disposed of. But, make sure you empty the water out on a weekly basis.
Blocked rain gutters are one of the most neglected breeding sites for mosquitoes. Get them unblocked regularly.
Repair all faucets and air conditioners and make sure the ground below them is leveled properly. If the ground is not leveled, puddles may form leveled, puddles may form leveled, puddles may form.

Keep your swimming pool clean and chlorinated. If you have ornamental pools, add some mosquito-eating fish.
Avoid over-irrigation of lawns and gardens. Excessive water may not get absorbed into the soil and may keep standing for several days.
Tree holes, stumps, drain ditches, and any other soil depression should be filled immediately so that they don’t hold water.
Look around your house to see if there is anything or any place that can hold water and fix it immediately.

  • Controlling Population At the Larval Stage

In many cases, breeding site elimination is practically impossible. You can, however, still be able to control mosquito population by using larvicides. Larvicides are insecticides that are used to kill larvae of insects. You need to use larvicides that are specially meant for mosquitoes. Some of the best mosquito sprays have Methoprene or a toxin produced by Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) as an active ingredient. Both these larvicide ingredients disrupt the development of larvae and prevent the emergence of adults. These ingredients, however, are absolutely safe for fish, pets, human, and other aquatic animals, provided you use them as per the label.

  • Controlling Adult Mosquito Population

Even if you eliminate breeding sites and spray larvicides, you may still have to deal with the adult mosquitoes. The adults can fly in from nearby areas and the best way to deal with them is spraying insecticides. Mosquitoes prefer to hide at undisturbed sites such as under the shrubs, in dense vegetation etc. You need to trim them down and then spray insecticides that are meant for adult mosquitoes. Pyrethroid insecticides are the best mosquito sprays to try. They have insect repelling properties and they are harmless to human and pets. Some of the Pyrethroid insecticides you may try are Cyfluthrin, Lambda-cyhalothrin, and permethrin larvicides, you may still have to deal with the adult mosquitoes. The adults can fly in from nearby areas and the best way to deal with them is spraying insecticides.

Mosquitoes prefer to hide at undisturbed sites such as under the shrubs, in dense vegetation etc. You need to trim them down and then spray insecticides that are meant for adult mosquitoes. Pyrethroid insecticides are the best mosquito sprays to try. They have insect repelling properties and they are harmless to human and pets. Some of the Pyrethroid insecticides you may try are Cyfluthrin, Lambda-cyhalothrin, and permethrin.

Even the best mosquito sprays won’t be able to provide you adequate protection against mosquitoes if you don’t use them according to the label. The insecticides need to be applied at specific times and have to be reapplied frequently. This can be tricky, and therefore, you may seek the help of a professional pest control company. This can be tricky, and therefore, you may seek the help of a professional pest control company.



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