5 Best Tools for Collecting Insects

Bug collection tools The information available for novice bug enthusiasts who are interested in starting an insect collection can be quite overwhelming. However, there are many easy ways of getting past the beginner phase. Here’s a list of some of the...
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5 Ways To Get Rid Of Fruit flies

If you’re like most people, fresh seasonal fruits is one of life’s sweeter gifts. Who does not love to bite into a juicy peach or nectarine? How can those of us on the go make it without those easy to...
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What Is Pest Control?

Pest control is a term used to describe the regulation or management of species defined as “pests”. Pests include plants, animals, insects, germs and other organisms that interfere with human activities. Pests can bite, destroy food crops, damage property and...
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What Are The Different Types Of Wasps?

Wasps are predacious flying insects. Generally, they are considered a benefit to the environment as a great source of organic pest control on crops, farms and gardens. They are usually grouped into two types of wasps; social wasps and solitary...
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