Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management is a great step forward aiming to suppress and control pest populations below the Economic Injury Level (EIL). IPM is an environmentally sensitive, scientific and a broad-based program that includes a combination of pest control methods and scientific...
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Signs & Symptoms of BedBug Bites

Do you see small red spots lined up in a row on your skin when you wake up in the morning? Do you want to scratch them badly? Wondering if these are mosquito bites? Well, the good news is that...
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Preparing for Home Fumigation

Whether its cockroaches, mice or bugs, pest infestation can be troublesome. They gnaw your food and furniture, leave droppings all over the place and the musty pest odor can make your home smell really bad. Before these creepy crawlies take over...
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Pest Proofing Your Home

Picture this. You are home alone, sitting on the sofa, watching a horror movie while hogging on pizza; suddenly you’re taken by surprise by an unwanted companion sitting right next to you nibbling on your delicious pizza like if it...
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