The spring season is in full swing. It’s the perfect time to go out in the open and rejoice after the cold harsh winters. However, in the world of wasps, the spring season is like a “wakeup call’. This means that if you are throwing a barbecue party in your garden, you might be joined by some buzzing party crashers.

Wasps come out from their winter hibernation during the spring season to pollinate flowers. They are most likely to be found in gardens.  Though wasps are not aggressive in nature, they can attack if their space is invaded.

Yellow Jacket - how to get rid of wasp

A yellow jacket

If you have spotted a wasp swaggering around in your garden or in your home, then you must do something to get rid of it and we don’t mean just squashing it with your fly swatter! You need to gear up for some serious action against these buzzing home invaders. It’s important to do so, because where there is one there has to be a group of them somewhere. These flying insects are no loners, they live in colonies. And besides they have a venomous sting. So, you need to watch out for that!

Before wasp infestation becomes a big problem, you should take effective measures to control and prevent their existence in your premises. Here are some great tips to help you shoo these buzzing creatures away from your home for good!

Great Tips to Get Rid of Wasps

  • Seal the Holes and Cracks in Your Home

Like it or not, if you see wasps infestation in your home all of a sudden, you should know that they have been residing in your home without your permission since fall. Yes! They entered your home then through cracks and openings and spent the winter hibernating in dark spaces and the holes in the walls.

Therefore, first thing that you need to do to ensure they are not joined by more wasps is to seal the holes and cracks in your house walls, corners of the room and windows.

  • Create Homemade Wasp Traps and Bait Them

To get rid of wasps, you can create homemade wasp traps. You can use a jar and create a hole in the jar’s lid and bait it with some sweet item like fruit juice or jam. This will help luring the wasps into the trap as they love sweets. As soon as the jar gets filled with wasps, you can carry the jar and dump it away. The best way to ensure that this works successfully is to put the trap near the wasp nest.

  • Drown Them

If you have Yellow jacket wasp infestation in your home, then you can easily drown them. Unlike other wasps these build nests underground like burrows. If you spot underground wasp infestation, use a garden hose to drown the wasps. By filling their nests with water, they will have nowhere to fly and eventually die. Please note, the drowning technique should not be used on hanging wasp nests on the trees. They would easily fly out and might even sting you in defense.

  • Reposition Flowers and Hide Appealing Food Sources

Another thing that you can do to prevent and control wasp infestation is to remove all the appealing food sources from your home that attract them. This includes:

  • Moving potted flowers,
  • Avoid using floral perfumes and soaps
  • Storing sugary items in proper containers
  • Keeping both human and animal food properly stored away.


  • Hang False Nests

You can also hang a false wasp nest around your home to prevent wasp infestation. This has great results. This works brilliantly because wasps are territorial. They would never build a nest next to

Get rid of wasps - drown them

                 drown wasps to kill them.

another nest.

  • Use Insecticides and Repellents

There are several wasp killing insecticides and repellents available on the market. You can spray insecticides in and around your home to kill wasps, if the infestation gets out of control.

  • Destroy the Wasp Nests

This is another way to get rid of wasps however, it is equally dangerous. To destroy their nest, you must wear protective gear so you can prevent stings. Your face should be masked and you must wear thick hand gloves. Remember it is risky.

Call the Professional Exterminator

To control a large wasp infestation, especially when dealing with a variety, call the professional exterminator. A professional has the experience, equipment and expertise to tackle this problem and deliver long lasting satisfactory results.


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