Spiders Pest Information

Spider…this eight legged crawling creature, has scared millions. Finding one crawling on the wall is akin to a nightmare. But, what if there were an army of these creepy crawlies hiding in your home?

Spiders – Who Are These 8 Legged Crawlies?

Did you know that there are over 43,678 kinds of species of spider? However, some of the most common types that are found in the US include:

  • Black Widow Spiders

Appearance – These are shiny hourglass shaped black colored spiders found throughout the US particularly in the Southern states.

Habitat – Black widow spiders are mostly found near woodpiles, under eaves, in boxes and any other area where they can’t be disturbed. They usually spin their webs at ground level.

  • Brown Recluse Spiders

Appearance – These are light to dark brown in color with brown violin like markings on their backs. This specie of spiders is commonly found in the Midwest US and Southward through Texas.

Habitat – Just like the black widow brown recluse spiders also live under woodpiles. But they can also be found indoors like under the furniture, baseboards, window moldings, attics, closets; practically anywhere that is dark and has crawlspace.

  • Common House Spiders

Appearance -These are yellowish brown in color and have elongated abdomens commonly found throughout the US.

Habitat – They prefer to live in closets, garages and under furniture. They usually spin webs near light sources to attract their prey.

  • Jumping Spiders

Appearance – Jumping spiders are black in color and have pale markings on their backs. Unlike other species of spider, jumping spiders are much smaller in size. They have compact bodies and very short legs.

Habitat – They can be found on trees, under stones, on fences, decks, behind doors and around windows.

  • Long Bodied Cellar Spiders

Appearance -They are light brown or sometimes pale yellow in color. The long bodied cellar spiders have skinny long legs and small bodies.

Habitat – Like their name suggests, they are mostly found in cellars and basements. They prefer dark and damp places.

  • Wolf Spiders

Appearance -These are dark brown colored spiders with pale stripes and markings. There are more than 100 wolf spiders species found in the US.

Habitat -They live both outdoors and indoors. They can be found under stones, firewood, leaves and timber.


Generally, female spiders can deposit approximately 250 eggs inside a silken sac. A female spider is capable of producing 17 silken sacs in her lifetime.

Signs of Spider Infestation

Here are some typical signs of spider infestation in your home:

  • Profusion of dusty webs in and around your house
  • Numerous amounts of spider sightings

Do They Cause Any Harm?

Though most spiders are harmless but they can bite in defense when guarding their eggs. The bite is non-poisonous but can cause redness, pain and irritation. It can be treated with over the counter pain killers.

Where most species of spiders are harmless, there are 2 exceptions, the black widow and brown recluse spiders. They bite feels like a pinprick and may cause severe headaches, fever, vomiting, rashes, muscle camps, abdominal pain and nausea. Fatalities are unlikely, if medical treatment is sought immediately.

Ways to Prevent Spider Infestation

It may be hard for you to instantly identify the spider specie infesting your home and determine whether it can cause you any harm or not. However, to ensure you and your family is safe from every kind of spider bites it is best to take effective measures to stop them from crawling into your space.

Here are some measures that you can take:

  • Seal up your home – Use caulk to seal cracks, holes and gaps to ensure there is no crawlspace of spiders to barge in.
  • Keep your outdoor lights off or switch to yellow sodium vapor light – Though light does not attract spiders it does attract other insects which can. However, if you do want to keep your outdoor lights on, you can always switch to yellow sodium vapor lights. These are not appealing to insects and thus less likely to draw a food source for spiders.
  • Keep Your Home Tidy – To prevent spiders from crawling into your home, sanitation is important.
  • Vacuum regularly. If you spot spider webs, remove them immediately.
  • Throw away all the clutter from your home, like old newspapers, old clothes and obsolete objects. This is important as these things often serve as ideal hiding places for spiders.
  • Call a Professional – if you have a large spider infestation in your home, then it is best to call a professional exterminator. Professional exterminators use strong chemical pesticides to control pest infestation that deliver immediate and long lasting results.